
New Information - reg.

The Homoeopathy Education Board (HEB) has been constituted under section 18, of the National Commission for Homoeopathy Act, 2020 as an Autonomous Board under the overall supervision of the Commission, to perform the functions assigned in the Act. The Homoeopathy Education Board consist of a President and four Members from the discipline of Homoeopathy under section 19 of NCH Act, 2020

Dr.Tarkeshwar Jain, President, Homoeopathy Education Board.

B.H.M.S.(Gold Medalist), M.D.(Hom.), M.B.A.
Former Professor & Head, Department of Materia Medica, Dr. Madan Pratap Khunteta Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Saipura, Sanganer, Jaipur
Former Registrar and Managing Secretary, PhD Coordinator, Homoeopathy University, Saipura, Sanganer, Jaipur
International Adviser to Homœopathic Heritage,
Chief Editor, The Journal of Homoeopathy University


To lay down policies for maintaining a high quality and high standards in education of Homoeopathy and make necessary regulations in this behalf; lay down policies for regulating homoeopathic medical institutions, medical researches and homoeopathic medical professionals and make necessary regulations in this behalf; assess the requirements in healthcare, including human resources for health and healthcare infrastructure and develop a road map for meeting such requirements


(a) determine the standards of education at the undergraduate, post-graduate and super-speciality levels and oversee all aspects of relating thereto;

(b) develop a competency based dynamic curriculum for Homoeopathy at all levels in accordance with the regulations made under this Act, in such manner that it develops appropriate skill, knowledge, attitude, values and ethics among the postgraduate and super-speciality students and enables them to provide healthcare, to impart homoeopathic medical education and to conduct medical research;

(c) frame guidelines on setting up of homoeopathic medical institutions for imparting undergraduate, post-graduate and super-speciality courses in Homoeopathy, having regard to the needs of the country, the global norms and the regulations made under this Act;

(d) determine minimum requirements and standards for conducting of courses and examinations in homoeopathic medical institutions, having regard to the needs of creativity at local levels and the regulations made under this Act;

(e) determine standards and norms for infrastructure, faculty and quality of education and research in medical institutions of Homoeopathy, in accordance with the regulations made under this Act;

(f) specify norms for compulsory annual disclosure, electronically and otherwise, by medical institutions of Homoeopathy in respect of their functions that has a bearing on the interest of various stakeholders including students, faculty, the Commission and the Government;

(g) facilitate development and training of faculty Members;

(h) facilitate research programmes;

(i) grant recognition to medical qualifications of Homoeopathy at all levels.

Homoeopathy Education Board Members
1 DR.TARKESHWAR JAIN President, HEB. 011-28520607 New Delhi
2 DR.MANGESH RAMESHCHANDRA JATKAR Member 011-28521542 New Delhi
3 Vacant - - - -
4 Vacant - - - -
5 Vacant - - - -